A typical gathering at H3 Church always begins with Vertical and Spirit-filled worship so that you can engage and prepare your heart for God’s Word. This is followed by a time of prayer and then teaching. Our teachings are structured to bring us into a closer walk with Jesus and to help us know how to live out our Christ-life daily.
If you are a first-time guest, you are so very important to us! We encourage you to stop by our Connection Tent after service. We would love to meet you and get you connected to everything happening at H3!
At our weekend gathering, we have a time of giving as part of our worship. We believe in giving out of a cheerful heart, not as an act of religion. Giving is a way for our church family to celebrate who God is and will do in our lives and as a church. As a guest, please feel no pressure to give.
This is our opportunity to introduce ourselves to you. Connect with His Holy Hill, discover the ins and outs of the church, and learn the details about our beliefs, about our leadership, about our church government, about how we handle money, and about how we intentionally organize our church. This is right after our 10 AM service on the second Sunday of the month.
We were not created for isolation but for connection. Through our H3 Home Church Network, we have the opportunity to be known, loved, and cared for in authentic community. We will grow deep together as disciples, grow up as family, and have fun together as we go.
Every first Thursday of the month, we corporately dedicate ourselves to prayers, fasting, and worship. We end the evening by gathering together for Encounter Night at 6:00 PM to consecrate ourselves to the Lord and encounter His presence as we behold the glory of our King.