Our Home Church Network sits deeply at the heart of our mandate of cultivating vessels. We have a growing network of home churches that gives room for a stronger relational atmosphere. We are confident that proximity breeds empathy while distance breeds suspicion. We hope you can join us in any one of our Home Churches closest to you.


A small gathering of believers, doing life together, growing together as disciples of Jesus and as a family of God.

  • True Discipleship occurs within the context of a small community.
  • It is a place where people are known and cared for.
  • It is a place where people are safe to deal with their yesterday.
  • A place of fellowship, family, and fun
  • Fellowship: Connecting with God through His Word and prayers
  • Family: Connecting to one another
  • Fun: Connecting with laughter through conversations, service, games etc.


Rooted is a 8-week discipleship training for new believers. It covers the basics of our Christian faith and how to cultivate the new life in Christ now that a believer is saved.


This group will primarily be held at the church campus, but occasionally it will be offered online. Check our announcements and events for current dates! 

We understand that 8 weeks of Rooted is a large time commitment, but we believe it is worth it to invest and participate in the entire season. If you know you are going to miss more than 2 meetings, we ask that you wait until the next season of Rooted. These 8 weeks are a cumulative experience wherein each week builds on the last, so we ask that every participant commits to honoring their Rooted group by attending every meeting.

Rooted  is a study and discussion specific to the basics of our Christian Faith, focused on new believers or believers who would love to refresh on the basics of the Christian faith. Home Church curriculum varies every season!

Tight knots

Tight Knots is the marriage ministry of H3 Church. Our desire is to celebrate and cultivate strong, life-giving marriages anchored in the Word of God and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit. We do this through our marriage small groups, conferences, and couples getaways.


We also want to come alongside engaged couples with resources and tools to build remarkable marriages that will go the distance!

  • Make individual commitments to follow Jesus the top priority in your marriage. We highly recommend that both man and woman are committed to following Jesus before they are married. To not share the same faith leads to very challenging circumstances in marriage. If you or your fiancé have not put your faith in Jesus Christ and you want to learn more about what that means, we would love to walk with you through that. Anyone on the His Holy Hill Direction Team would be happy to talk with you about how to have a personal faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Seek formal counseling prior to being married. We require that anyone married by one of our pastors participate in our Premarital Class. Your marriage will have a greater chance to thrive if you enter it knowing your areas of strength and weakness and gain tools for how best to navigate them as a couple.
  • Find a local church that you can trust, support, and get involved in. All remarkable marriages face challenges and every bride and groom who strive to keep Jesus at the center of their marriage needs a community of friends who are committed to doing a Christ-centered life with them. At His Holy Hill, the primary way we build this kind of community is through joining a Home Church.
  • Reach out to our Pastors at least six months before your wedding day. This will give maximum opportunity for connecting with you and to get your date on the pastor’s calendar.

    If you have any questions about our wedding ministry, please contact us at Hello@H3.Church

  • Congratulations on your engagement! What an exciting time in your life! We look forward to coming alongside you as you anticipate and prepare for marriage. 
  • People come from many different backgrounds and traditions that shape their understanding of marriage. At His Holy Hill, we recognize the value of that diversity while holding strongly to what we believe is the essential ingredient for entering a covenant of Christian marriage based on teaching of God’s Word.

    From God’s Word, we understand that a Christian marriage is a unique and exclusive covenant made by a man and woman to share their lives together in a bond of love that reflects the love of Jesus Christ.

  • That requires much more than a ceremony or a blessing from the church. It requires that the bride and groom both put their faith in Jesus and commit their lives to following Him. 

  • This is why we take marriage so seriously at His Holy Hill. We don’t choose to simply perform wedding ceremonies. Rather, we want to help build marriages that will thrive and go the distance. To that end, we have identified a list of recommendations if you have plans to be married by one of our pastors.


Anyone who walks into any His Holy Hill gathering would know how prayers are integral to who we are as we trust the Lord to build a community of believers who are living in close intimacy with the Holy Spirit. We describe prayer as interactive communication with God in which our deepest emotions and thoughts are expressed. This includes thanksgiving, praise, request, petition, and mourning. Prayer is the acknowledgement that we are in great need of God. He eagerly turns his ear toward us as we seek intimate communication with him. Prayer can be spontaneous and heartfelt, while it also can be fixed and rhythmic. Through this divine form of conversation, God graciously engages with our hearts while also revealing His. As part of our mission of making disciples, His Holy Hill Prayer team would love to pray with you and for you.
We’d love to pray for you.

Solid Rock

Solid Rock is our ministry dedicated to building whole and content singles. We are convinced that a healthy marriage is built upon a spiritually and emotionally healthy single season. Solid Rock meets routinely through our singles gatherings and events.

Hill College

Hill College is designed to cultivate believers who will grow intentionally as disciples of Jesus. While building intimacy with Jesus, believers will be strengthened as leaders in their sphere of influence. If you desire a deeper study of the Word of God and being equipped for the work of the ministry, then Hill College was designed with you in mind.


VGCF is a community of students growing and seeking the Lord, cultivating a deeper fellowship with Him and making friends along the way. Our vision is to see every student have an authentic encounter with the Lord and be sent forth to be change agents in every sphere of influence. His Holy Hill is blessed to be in a college town and to be called into planting campus fellowships locally and globally. We have adopted our local university (Middle Tennessee State University) as a mission field, and we hope to do the same for many more in different cities.



His Holy Hill was planted on the foundation of genuine and radical Love; love for God, love for people, and love for our community. We believe God has called us into our community as a beacon of light. Bethesda is the platform on which we reach out to our community. It is our ministry to the poor, weak, and disenfranchised.

Bethesda exists to remember the needy in our community, inspiring hope in them to believe and trust again, to get back on their feet, and see the miracle of a transformed life.

We currently work with existing organizations in the community for Kingdom partnership in order to better serve our community and share Christ’s life through the gospel. Currently, our partnerships allow us to serve those who are homeless, who are school-aged children, and who are senior citizens in our community.  Serving through Bethesda is open to everyone committed to His Holy Hill.